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Доклад "Современный исторический дискурс, политика времени и проблема исторической (не)справедливости: на примере работы "комиссий правды" в Аргентине, Южной Африке и Сьерра-Леоне" бельгийского исследователя Berber Bevernage.
Modern Historical Discourse, politics of time and the problem of historical (in)justice (cases: the truth commissions of Argentina, South Africa and Sierra Leone)
One of the most remarkable phenomena in current international politics is the increasing attention paid to historical injustice. One of the most notable evolutions in this context is without doubt the widespread introduction of so-called truth commission as a way of dealing with burdened pasts. History has thereby moved to the centre stage of the ethico-political management of the past. However this turn to history, in the context of conflict resolution, is, I argue, far from a self-evident virtue. In my presentation I therefore raise a simple but essential question: why recently have states which have come out of a period of violence turned to history in order to attain national unity and reconciliation? The answer to this question, I will argue, must be sought in history’s relation to a specific politics of time.