• 3 ноября 2015, вторник
  • Москва, пр.Вернадского, 82, корп.2, библиотека

Встреча с американским журналистом Брайаном Дролетом

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Московская высшая школа социальных и экономических наук
3107 дней назад
3 ноября 2015 c 19:00 до 20:30
пр.Вернадского, 82, корп.2, библиотека

Встреча с американским журналистом Брайаном Дролетом, посвященная роли художника в современном обществе, искусству и активизму, пройдет в Шанинке 3 ноября.

Social  Tectonics

Because something is happening here
But you don’t know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?
                        -Bob Dylan –Ballad of a Thin Man

The artist has multiple roles and responsibilities in the social movements.  One role is to make visible that which is  unseen. What are the realities that give birth to social movements?  An artists should not just express what is dark and pessimistic. It is not enough to expose the forces that attempt to oppress people and restrict the human spirit. Activist artists should also reflect the aspirations people have for justice, peace, community.  Above all, an artist cannot be a “heavenly horse floating free.” Artists must be connected to the social movements. Those movements give rise to the creativity of the artist. They can contribute to an atmosphere of hope and realistic optimism. In his presentation Brian Drolet will explore examples of the impact of the social movements on U.S. artists. And he will show examples of the influence that artists work has had on those social movements. – from the massive movements of the 1960s to the uprisings today against racism and financial oligarchies.
Brian Drolet is currently the Executive Director of Deep Dish TV, a not-for-profit New York based media organization that curates series of programs produced by grassroots and independent producers and provides venues for their work on satellite and cable television channels and via the Internet and DVD distribution. Deep Dish TV frequently focuses on issues of international and domestic conflict and promotes the peace and social justice efforts of community-based organizations. He has paid particular attention to the role of corporate and public media. He has over 40 years experience in media production and distribution.

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