Экономический лекторий «Unpaid work and the care economy»

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В рамках параллельной программы международной конференции молодых ученых «Векторы 2023» Шанинка приглашает на третью онлайн-встречу экономического лектория. Рабочий язык встречи – английский. 

The care economy entails the production and consumption of goods and services necessary for the physical, social and emotional needs of care dependent groups (children, elderly, disabled, ill) as well as prime working age healthy adults including self-care. The care economy serves to ensure that people function at a socially acceptable level of capability, comfort and safety. Unpaid work and the care economy lies at the core of gender-aware economics due to two reasons. First, the gendered patterns in allocation of time –maybe the most limited economic resource -  constitute a fundamental source of gender economic gaps. Hence it is essential that an accurate assessment of gender inequalities and policy solutions therein, take account of gender imbalances in unpaid work.Second, the care economy and household production is an essential element of human wellbeing, which ensures social cohesion, well-functioning market economies and sustainable growth. A sound economic analysis is possible only through a framework recognizing the close interactions between these non-market and market spheres of production and consumption. 


368 дней назад
5 декабря 2023, начало в 16:00

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