• 25 ноября 2015, среда
  • Москва, пр.Вернадского, 82, корп.2, 221

Disconnect to connect: educational consequences of unplugging

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Московская высшая школа социальных и экономических наук
3085 дней назад
25 ноября 2015 c 19:00 до 21:00
пр.Вернадского, 82, корп.2, 221

Лекция профессора Сабады "Disconnect to connect: educational consequences of unplugging" пройдет в Шанинке 25 ноября.

The presence of the Internet is clear in developed countries, especially among youngsters, but is also growing in developing societies, where minors are in most cases at the forefront of the adoption of these new services, exploring the opportunities and experimenting the risks. Research confirms that, despite socioeconomic and cultural differences, in most countries it is possible to find high levels of ICTs penetration among young people who seem to be at the forefront of the adoption of any technological developments that arise. 

The adoption of a new technology always raises issues that attract the interest of researchers.  Some of the recurring themes arising from the emergence of an innovation are the motivations to adopt innovations sooner or later (Rogers), the changes that the arrival of a new device has on habits, behaviors and conducts (i.e., displacement effect) of existing devices users, possible psychological or perceptual changes, and positive or negative effects that the new technology will have on the scenarios it affects. 

In the midst of a technological invasion we are living in, and particularly young people, we all feel the need to be permanently connected. These and other traits are what give shape to the era of hyperconnectivity. Regarding this reality, there are those who see a certain technological fatigue amongst users, and so, from certain perspectives, there is a feeling that we need to rethink the technological approach, to reconsider the effects that technology has on our lives.
The suggestion is digital unplugging, a proposal which can be included in a broader movement, the Slow Movement, which champions a more unhurried lifestyle. This does not mean eliminating online life completely, but rather establishing regular periods of digital time-out in order to develop face-to-face communication; they suggest cultivating leisure periods which, to a certain extent, would dispense with digital technology and would re-construct the borders between the time for work and the time for rest. Digital unplugging could be a useful media literacy tool. 
In this paper an in-depth study of the academic literature dealing with this issue is offered referring to varied research, both technical and empirical. From an education perspective it is make clear that at present, media education and the promotion of digital competence is a priority in the systems of education and of the main international bodies. It is absolutely fundamental that people learn these new languages, acquire the capacity to critically differentiate and evaluate the enormous amount of media and sources of information available, and use this safely. But perhaps one important component of digital competence should be learning how to disconnect, in order to make connections in another way. 
The educational value of this work is clearer if children and teenagers are kept in mind: they are heavy users of the devices and social applications, and despite the risks and opportunities have been researched in the last years all over the western world, there is still our responsibility to ensure they benefit from the technology at the same time that risks and perils are minimized. 

Charo Sádaba
Professor at the Digital Journalism Master Program for Journalists, International Institute for Social Sciences, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Founder of www.tvdi.net, first internet professional portal about interactive digital television in spanish.
ViceDean of Research and Postgraduate Programs, ViceDean of Postgraduate Programs and External Relations, School of Communication, University of Navarra.


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