• 15 сентября 2016, четверг
  • Москва, Москва, Пречистенская наб., 11, корп.1, ауд.22 (Медиалофт)

Лекция «Campaigning in an era of mistrust. The climax of the US elections»

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Московская высшая школа социальных и экономических наук
2773 дня назад
15 сентября 2016, начало в 19:00
Москва, Пречистенская наб., 11, корп.1, ауд.22 (Медиалофт)

В четверг, 15 сентября, в Медиалофте Шанинки состоится лекция «Campaigning in an era of mistrust. The climax of the US elections»

Лектор — Len Middelbeek (The Hague University)

Campaigning in an era of mistrust. The climax of the US elections

The current campaign in the American election shows an unprecedented atmosphere of mutual accusations and insults. Many question the role of the media in this: are they participating in this process or are they playing — as they should — their role as witness and explanatory judge, as you can expect in well-developed democracy? In this lecture we will focus on the way the American have dealt with the campaigns of both candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and with some related ethical topics, like the code of conduct for journalists (is there one or are there more?), which factors influence journalistic ethics and what is the role of governments in this area? 


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