• 3 февраля 2014, понедельник
  • Москва, НОУ ВПО Институт "Московская высшая школа социальных и экономических наук" Адрес: 119571, Москва, пр-т Вернадского, 82, корп. 2, 2 этаж м. Юго-Западная. Выйдя из последнего вагона, повернуть налево по переходу, затем по ступенькам вверх направо, пройти 5

Academic Writing for Social Sciences and Humanities

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Московская высшая школа социальных и экономических наук
3759 дней назад
3 февраля 2014, начало в 0:00
НОУ ВПО Институт "Московская высшая школа социальных и экономических наук" Адрес: 119571, Москва, пр-т Вернадского, 82, корп. 2, 2 этаж м. Юго-Западная. Выйдя из последнего вагона, повернуть налево по переходу, затем по ступенькам вверх направо, пройти 5

The course is aimed at developing writing skills essential for writing academic texts, such as essays, articles, or research papers. It provides students with the tools and structures that enable them to express and support their own theses, provide evidence, build up arguments and overcome the lack of logic, cohesion and consonance of their texts. Participants are offered a flexible, but structured approach to writing, which enables them to construct a text as a wholesome individual product in 3D, avoiding the typically Russian linear writing.

The course is aimed at developing writing skills essential for writing academic texts, such as essays, articles, or research papers. It provides students with the tools and structures that enable them to express and support their own theses, provide evidence, build up arguments and overcome the lack of logic, cohesion and consonance of their texts. Participants are offered a flexible, but structured approach to writing, which enables them to construct a text as a wholesome individual product in 3D, avoiding the typically Russian linear writing.

Upon completing the course, participants will be able to not only reconsider their own writing practices, but also understand the rationale behind international requirements to academic publications.

Participants are required to have generally effective command of English (upper-intermediate or higher). Although the course was designed for university students and specialists in social sciences and humanities, specialists in other disciplines are also welcome.  

The course starts in February and takes four evening sessions. Details are available upon request.

irina.korotkina@gmail.com   8 (495) 434-7282 (*113).


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